I wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a very happy new year!!!!! Man alive I have not been on my blog for such a long time!!!!!!! It's soooo crazy how time fly's!!!!!!! It seems like summer just ended!!!!!!! I know that might sound crazy but that's what it feels like to me! For you who don't know I have a new baby brother and his name is Haden Luke, and he is the cutest little thing ever!!!!! He was born Sept. 22. Family is doing well. Nolan has grown like crazy!!!!!! He is taller than me now! Mia loves snow white or actually how she Say's it ''Ho white'':-) She is such spoiled little girl! I mean she really is!!!! And how r the evil twins??????(Levi and Logan;-) They still get into trouble:-) Noah is completely into video games right now and Hailey is maturing a little TO FAST! She already act's like a teen and she is only eleven! Justina's doing well, she's like a second mom to Mia. And mom and Dad??? Their very busy taking care of there oh so perfect kid's. The best they could ever ask for:-) And me? I can't believe this is my last year of high school!!! It's cool, but nerve racking all at the same time!!!!! I'm still praying as to where the lord would have me to go to Bible College. But anyhooooo TTFN!!!!!
Love In Christ,
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