Hey Everyone it's been quite a while since I've done a post! I don't even know where to start! Well Me and my family have a house now. And we will lord willing be living here in Graham,WA til' July. Then from their I have no idea! We are member's of my Grandparent's church their in Roy,WA. Everyone there at Calvary in Roy have been an encouragement and a blessing to me and my family. We moved into the house with practically nothing and now our house is filled with stuff that the people of the church gave to us. We have Couches,Table's,desk's, TVs,Matching Twin Bed's,and all sort's of thing's! I love it here in Washington! It has snowed now for about two week's now! And we have a huge hill behind us that is perfect for sledding! We also got to have the cousin's over to spend the night. And we had a blast! We played murder in the dark,Mophia,and we went sledding for about half the day! And we were also planning on taking the bus with them to the mall. And we walked quite a way's to the bus stop and we waited at the bus stop for about an hour and i was not wearing snow clothing so I was so cold,frozen, and numb! The bus ended up not coming and we had to head back! So most of us kid's took the key's and ran a head to the house. When we got there we turned on the fire and watched a movie! I am so thankful for a fire place!!! But other than that we had a good time:) Christmas was great. But the day went by so fast!!! I had my first white Christmas! And i got my boot's that i wanted really bad and Nolan got a hamster for Christmas and now Noah wants to buy a hamster! He's actually buying one tonight:) Hope everyone had a great Christmas! And hope you also have a Happy New Year. TTFN,Kenzie
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Hey Everyone! Its been a long time since i've posted! Well i got to go to NYC and BROADWAY SHOW!!! It was so much fun!!! If you want to see the pic's of the broadway show just go to my mom's blog. I'm in Washington right now and my dad has a job. We will be here for lordwilling 6 month's so we can get some thing's done and organized. Just wanted to give ya'll an update! Kenz
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Hello from Florida!!!
Greeting's from Florida! We have been in Florida now for more than three week's and I'm having a blast! We got to go to a church on a Sunday night and we got to meet an impersonator of John Wayne! He has a very cool and unique ministry! It was a real pleasure meeting him! I got to see and swim in the Atlantic ocean for my first time! And to top it off i got to see the space shuttle take off from the beach! It was a really cool experience! We are staying at a KOA RV park in Orlando that has a pool...so we are doing a lot of swimming! The day we got here we found out that they hold church services here in the park! The pastor is Jeff Burris he and his family r a huge blessing! The RV park is Refuge Baptist's temporary home! Two Friday's ago we started our 10 day pass to Disney World! It has been so much fun but it is miserably hot!!! We have a Pet now! We (I) found a Snake by an outside bathroom! My dad caught it and brought it to church the next day. We did not touch it til we knew what it was! Come to find out Pastor Burris is an expert with snakes! We also found out it was a corn snake.It Is one of the perfect snakes for a pet! And has Beautiful color's! We named it Freddy! We all put our money together and bought all it's special Needs! Some of my friend's out there are probably thinking I'm gross or crazy but i love snakes! I actually asked for a snake for Christmas when i was ten and now my wish came true:-)
Here's Nolan holding Freddy!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Where to Start......
Pastor Pope and us!!!
Richard and Grace MacQueen
I don't even now where to start! We have been at so many places since the last time I posted! Well....I'm finished with school for the year! We have been to so many places! A few week's ago we were in Oklahoma city. I had so much there!!! I got to be at an all week preacher's meeting! It went great! There was a lot of preacher's there and their kid's! So i had a lot of fun fellowshipping!!! On Thursday night my cousin Grace Knouf Graduated! Then on Saturday she became Grace MacQueen! The wedding turned out great! What was really funny was when we first came to Oklahoma city they had a tornado!!! And we found out it was 5 block's away from us! We didn't get to see it though:( We got to sing in Pastor Sisson's church on mother's day! The night before mother's day they had a mother daughter banquet and my mom was the special speaker! She did great! Mrs.Melinda Sisson bought us all new outfit's for the banquet! We also got to sing at Pastor Heinz church in Lawton,Oklahoma! It was a blessing being there! On Sunday's they pick up soldier's for church and then they provide lunch for them! It was fun being there! I beat one of the soldier's in checker's:) And i had a really good time hanging out with Emily Heinz!(Pastor Heinz daughter) We had so much fun with them! We got to hike,see tar pit's,the holy city,Buffalo, prairie dog's, wild turkey ,deer,and a museum! It was a really good experience!!! After that we went to Texas then came back to Oklahoma got to have a day with Mrs.Melinda Sisson's and her son's Sean and Jacob! We got to go to Incredible American pizza co. It was a lot of fun! I got to Go kart race! Sadly I came in 2ND place:( On Sunday we visited southwest baptist church,Pastor Davison. There we got to see the Mooney's! I didn't get a picture so I'll have to use the old one:) Last Monday we stayed in Lawton RV park on the base! There we stayed with the Petrick's! We had a lot of fun! We found a perfect part of the creek for us kid's to go swimming in! We had a great time! On Tuesday we left heading for Florida! Wed we stopped and stayed and visited at Pastor Pope's church in Houston,Texas. It was a blessing meeting the pastor and his church! Thursday night we stayed in Louisiana! It was very pretty, but very humid!!! Then Friday night we stayed in Alabama and now we are in Florida looking for a place to stay for the night! That's it for now! TTFN!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
(((Sring Break)))
Hey Everyone!!! Hope everyone had a Happy Resurrection day! My Spring break was last week and it was great! Justina celebrated her b-day party last Thursday at the Olympia mall here in WA. We did a Scavenger hunt there and we got a lot of cool stuff! My cousin's got to come and also the Sunquist's....it was a lot of fun! The next day me and Justina got to go to a youth activity,it was a progressive dinner! And we played a really hard but fun game! The game went til' the activity was over. The game was you couldn't say certain word's like no,yes,and,I,is! It was really hard! I got second place!(Surprisingly!) The next day I got to go to another youth rally with my friend's at Bethel Baptist! It was a lot of fun! We went hunting for candies and every candy we find you get a dollar! Then after that i got to wrap Jessica(my friend) in toilet paper! It was Great:-) Easter Sunday was great! Somebody accepted Christ! And they had a full Auditorium! After services we went to Olive Garden with my Grandparent's,Uncle Steven,and family! It was good food! And i think that's it for now!TTFN!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Great times!
Mrs.Teft and Me
We just had a youth activity last Friday! It was SO.........FUN! We had a great devotional by Bro.Aaron, had taco's from jack in the box, and played fun games! We turned all the light's out every where! and we played a game called alien's vs predator it was so fun! I was an alien:) Oh... and Justina's friend Ashleigh got to come and also spend the night! The next day we started heading towards poulsbo,WA.. Before we got there we stopped at one of my family's favorite restaurant Godfather's pizza! It was so good! The next day we went to Bible Baptist, Poulsbo,WA, Pastor Graves. It was a blessing being there! My dad preached and we sang. After the evening services we started heading for Roy,WA. I also wanted to tell you that about a two week's ago we went to a ladies Conference it was alot of fun! It was at pastor Cambell's church in Marysville. The theme was Addicted!It was so cool. The messages were great! And met new Friend's there. The main speaker was Mrs.Teft from Hammond,Indiana. She was great. The teens had their own special room and speakers it was cool. After the services me,mom,Justina,grandma,and the ladies from Roy went to DQ it was alot of fun! I want to give a special thank you to my Grandma for paying so i could go!Well that's it for now:)TTFN!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Saying Good-bye:(
There's Kevin,Zac,Laurie,and me
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a looooooong time!!! Busy is the only word I can use and sick. Well......on to the subject:) I think this was one of my hardest good-bye's ever!!! Especially to my family! And also my church. We only had an hour with the Nolanite's to say good-bye:( I miss them already! And we only had after church services to say good bye to my friends! But i'm thankful that they had the youth snac on my last sunday there. It was a lot of fun!!! We got to have ho-bo soup......it's where everyone bring's a can of some kind of vegetable and we mix all of it together......I was not planning on eating it but certain people(Wendy,sam,Bro. Mason:) was telling me to eat it.....so i did! And it was very GOOD surprisingly:) After we ate we played extreme duck,duck goose it was fun but it was pretty hard running on tile. We were planning on doing it in sock's but thank the lord we didn't because it would have hurt!!! And we played another game,but i can't remember the name of it. Oh Ya.....and before we ate Bro. Casey gave a really good devotional on being a Ho-Bo.(You don't want to be a ho-bo) Well right now we are in Klamath,Ca. It is pretty here!!! We just went to a park yesterday....... It was a lot of fun just spending time with family. Last week we were in Santa Cruz,Ca. It was really pretty there also! We got to walk along the beach and watch the sunset!!! The next day we got to go see a old wrecked ship on the beach. It was cool, but we wanted to here the story on why its there ,but there was no story on why its there. I thought that was kinda weird. We also stopped and took some pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge that day......it was fun! I am so excited to get to Washington! We will lord willing be there on Monday! Well that's it for now!
Eva,me,and Mr. and Mrs.Purdy on top.
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