I just thought that this picture is cute!
Me and my sibling's just started school yesterday.........which was Wednesday. We are on a complete schedule for each and everyday during school day's! I'm glad we started school now because i don't feel like I'm lazy! But I'm not completely happy about the schedule! I wake up at 6:45 a.m and to 8:30 i have to do my routine plus my chore and getting my brothers something to eat. At 8:30 we have devotion's, prayer, and we practice song's. And 9:00- 12:00 a.m we do school. 12:00-1:00 is lunch. P.E. is 1:oo-1:30 and my computer time and Nolan and Justina's instrument practice is 1:30-2:30. And to 3:00 it is reading time and quite time. And no movies til' after dinner,chores,and bath's! So we basically have the whole in tire day planned! It's just like actual school!
Oh........i have to tell you what my optimistic mother said! I was looking through my b-day card's asking if i should keep the ones from her and dad, so i can enjoy looking at them in the future. And she said: No, they will only get you depressed! And i asked: Why on earth would i be depressed? And she said: Because when you read it in the future you'll be wishing and saying ''I wish my mother was still alive.'' Can you believe she said that! But of course some of you can believe that. It didn't upset me, i actually thought it was funny. I love to tell it to people. I was not majorly surprised because she's like my optimistic grandpa. But there not really depressed they just like to irritate us in that way.(lol)
Justina plays the piano a little! She is still learning and Nolan is learning how to play the trumpet. I'm not doing any instrument right now. Ummmmm i think that is it for now.
Hi Mackenzie! Rebekah N. here. I found your blog off your mom's, which I found off Mrs. Mishel's. It was great being in Cimarron with you. Is it O.K. if I put a link to your blog on my own? If you want to read mine, click on my name and it will take you to my profile, where you can get to my blog, Daddy's Girl. Bye!
Hey, just saying I dropped in
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