Hey everyone, i just want to tell you what happened to my brother's and my dad who went out to pic blackberry's. They were walking along a railroad track picking blackberry's when all of a sudden someone starts crying and everyone started crying and by that time they realized it was bee's( or mean flies) and they all started running or hurrying along when they realized they left one of the poor evil twins!(Logan)But it was only for a moment when they realized they left him! So they ran as fast as they could while the bee's(or mean flies) were chasing them down the railroad track! But finally they think while the sting of torture was on them and they hid beneath a bush. And fortunately they lived! When it was safe they got up and called mom (Praise the lord for technology!) and mom picked them up and they got home safely. It got very crazy when they got home. There was brother's crying,talking, and asking for food! And that is some thing I'd like to call crazy!(Especially at a time like that!) They all had pretty bad stings like Logan for instance;PRETTY BAD. Dad seemed fine. He was making humor out of it!(like he always does!)And the other's were just crying because it stung.(it didn't look to bad at all)
Now, about the praying mantis. It is a nice bug according to Levi(one of the evil twins). And of course he's the one who named bee's-mean flies. Why is the praying mantis a nice bug you may ask? Because it does not bite or sting! My dad discovered one at a church in Greeley Hill's. He let Levi and Logan hold it and of course i did not even touch the thing or get near it. Some of you may have known me as someone who catches bug's with my bare hand's. But that Mackenzie is long gone! I got's to go!