Last week was a lot of fun!!! We went to Disneyland last Tuesday, Wednesday,and Thursday! We got to see all the Christmas decoration's and one thing we were looking forward to was seeing the big Christmas tree! We left Tuesday after noon for Disneyland and we got there about 2:00 p.m.,and basically saw Santa Claus, the Christmas parade, and fire work's at Disneyland. Then we went to California Adventure ate dinner and went to go on more rides! And this is really cool! Me, Justina,Nolan,Hailey,and Noah got in line for a ride and while we were in line i looked over into another lane and i saw some one who looked very familiar and she started looking at me and then i realized that it was Sophia my cabinmate this year at camp Ironwood!!! We were both excited to see each other! I was able to get her e-mail and stuff. And I cutted in line with my some of my sibling's so me and her can catch up on talking and I also got to meet her brother. Seeing her there got me all excited. After the ride she had to go so we didn't get to hang-out to long:( Wednesday was a lot of fun and we did not stay there all day. We went to church wed. night at Pastor Schriber's church in Norwalk it was great being there! We got to sing unexpectedly and they also celebrated the pastor's wife's birthday after services!!! It was a lot of fun fellow shipping with them!!! They were a great blessing to us! They spoiled us rotten!!! On Thursday we went to Disneyland again! It was a lot of fun spending the last day together as a family!TTFN" P.S. I also got a Minnie Christmas hat!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Last week was a lot of fun!!! We went to Disneyland last Tuesday, Wednesday,and Thursday! We got to see all the Christmas decoration's and one thing we were looking forward to was seeing the big Christmas tree! We left Tuesday after noon for Disneyland and we got there about 2:00 p.m.,and basically saw Santa Claus, the Christmas parade, and fire work's at Disneyland. Then we went to California Adventure ate dinner and went to go on more rides! And this is really cool! Me, Justina,Nolan,Hailey,and Noah got in line for a ride and while we were in line i looked over into another lane and i saw some one who looked very familiar and she started looking at me and then i realized that it was Sophia my cabinmate this year at camp Ironwood!!! We were both excited to see each other! I was able to get her e-mail and stuff. And I cutted in line with my some of my sibling's so me and her can catch up on talking and I also got to meet her brother. Seeing her there got me all excited. After the ride she had to go so we didn't get to hang-out to long:( Wednesday was a lot of fun and we did not stay there all day. We went to church wed. night at Pastor Schriber's church in Norwalk it was great being there! We got to sing unexpectedly and they also celebrated the pastor's wife's birthday after services!!! It was a lot of fun fellow shipping with them!!! They were a great blessing to us! They spoiled us rotten!!! On Thursday we went to Disneyland again! It was a lot of fun spending the last day together as a family!TTFN" P.S. I also got a Minnie Christmas hat!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Me,Mia,and Molly
Mia's cute new outfit!!!
I had an interesting weekend. We sang in a church in Sutherlin, Oregon. It was a lot of fun being there! In the worship service all of us sang then Logan,Levi,and Noah went and sat down while the rest of sang. We were up there singing then all of a sudden Logan and Levi started singing while we were singing,then Levi and Logan started playing. And then Levi ran up on stage! Mom went down off the stage during mine and Justina's part in the song and told them to stop and then got back on stage! We got done singing and the kid's went to there classes. After services we had a pot luck and the food was great!!! After that I met a new friend Molly and we played with her and the teens of the church it was alot of fun!!! I also found out that she knows the Sunquist's real well and the Eackhart's too! After the evening services we started heading for California. We drove all day Monday. And it was not fun I had to sit on my parent's bed in the back and watch Mia and do school! The hard part was doing school in the most moving and bumpy part of the RV! But i lived:) Once i got done with school we went and ate at Home Town Buffet!(oh ya) when we got back to the RV dad started driving and we piled in the back and watched a movie. Except for Levi, he came in when it was basically the end. When it was over I went to my bed to get my night gown and my bed was soaking wet!!! The first thing that went in my Head was someone took a nap on my bed! I went to one of the evil twins (Levi) and he was changed into his night gown already and asked him if he took a nap on my bed and he didn't answer. Then i said where's your clothes that you took off and he pointed to the Washing machine and I knew from that point he was trying to hide what he did,so i pulled out his pant's out of the machine and yep they were soaking wet!!! Now don't forget were driving and it's almost midnight and every one's in bed except for me and dad! We finally got to Anaheim,Ca we parked and I had to wait to get my bed apart because the slide out was in so i couldn't do anything. And finally the slide-out was out and mom woke up so she helped me. So i ended up getting to bed like at 1:00. And that was how my drive was up to California.

I had an interesting weekend. We sang in a church in Sutherlin, Oregon. It was a lot of fun being there! In the worship service all of us sang then Logan,Levi,and Noah went and sat down while the rest of sang. We were up there singing then all of a sudden Logan and Levi started singing while we were singing,then Levi and Logan started playing. And then Levi ran up on stage! Mom went down off the stage during mine and Justina's part in the song and told them to stop and then got back on stage! We got done singing and the kid's went to there classes. After services we had a pot luck and the food was great!!! After that I met a new friend Molly and we played with her and the teens of the church it was alot of fun!!! I also found out that she knows the Sunquist's real well and the Eackhart's too! After the evening services we started heading for California. We drove all day Monday. And it was not fun I had to sit on my parent's bed in the back and watch Mia and do school! The hard part was doing school in the most moving and bumpy part of the RV! But i lived:) Once i got done with school we went and ate at Home Town Buffet!(oh ya) when we got back to the RV dad started driving and we piled in the back and watched a movie. Except for Levi, he came in when it was basically the end. When it was over I went to my bed to get my night gown and my bed was soaking wet!!! The first thing that went in my Head was someone took a nap on my bed! I went to one of the evil twins (Levi) and he was changed into his night gown already and asked him if he took a nap on my bed and he didn't answer. Then i said where's your clothes that you took off and he pointed to the Washing machine and I knew from that point he was trying to hide what he did,so i pulled out his pant's out of the machine and yep they were soaking wet!!! Now don't forget were driving and it's almost midnight and every one's in bed except for me and dad! We finally got to Anaheim,Ca we parked and I had to wait to get my bed apart because the slide out was in so i couldn't do anything. And finally the slide-out was out and mom woke up so she helped me. So i ended up getting to bed like at 1:00. And that was how my drive was up to California.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. There is so many thing's to post, but I'm gonna talk about the blessing's I've had. First of all Thanksgiving was great! We spent Thanksgiving with my Grandparent's, my Uncle Steven,and the Nolanites. My Grandma gave us all presents! My Grandpa also spoiled me,Justina,and Hailey before Thanksgiving he took us shopping and bought us all jacket's, a scarf,and a new dress for each of us he spoiled us rotten! Now back to Thanksgiving.[lol] I got a pretty red necklace from Grandma! After we opened our presents we said what we were thankful for, then a devotional from Grandpa, prayed, ate, and then all the kid's, dad, uncle Matt, me, and Grandpa went for a walk\hike. It was so much fun! We also played picturnary and my team won!(oh Ya!) My mom took all of us kid's to Godfathers pizza and chuck-e-cheese it was so much fun just spending time as a family. I got to go to the home mission's conference I was wanting to go to. It turned out great! I got to see friend's that i wanted to see there and the preaching was great! I also got to go with my dad to this restaurant where all the preacher's meet after the services and we went there at 1:00 in the morning and we didn't get to the RV til' 3:00. We had a family conference last week at my Grandparent's church in Roy,Washington it was great! I got to give a testimony about being the oldest of eight,and it was also my first time so i was nervous! We sang at a church in Longveiw,WA it was a blessing singing there and the people were so friendly! After the Sunday night services we went to a really neat coffee shop with the church and there i got to get to know the teens there and they are so friendly. The next day me,Justina,and these girl's we met at the church Shelby and Katie went shopping and then went to the coffee shop again and had girl talk.(which could be anything[lol])After that Katie drove us to meet our parent's at this family's house that was having us for dinner and we had another great time there. And that family had eight kid's also so we could relate with each other.[lol] We are now heading towards California very slowly. We are in Sutherlin,Oregon right now on our way here we stopped to see one of world's largest sea lion cave it was so cool and big! And that is some of my Blessing's!TTFN!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Mean flies and Nice praying mantice
Hey everyone, i just want to tell you what happened to my brother's and my dad who went out to pic blackberry's. They were walking along a railroad track picking blackberry's when all of a sudden someone starts crying and everyone started crying and by that time they realized it was bee's( or mean flies) and they all started running or hurrying along when they realized they left one of the poor evil twins!(Logan)But it was only for a moment when they realized they left him! So they ran as fast as they could while the bee's(or mean flies) were chasing them down the railroad track! But finally they think while the sting of torture was on them and they hid beneath a bush. And fortunately they lived! When it was safe they got up and called mom (Praise the lord for technology!) and mom picked them up and they got home safely. It got very crazy when they got home. There was brother's crying,talking, and asking for food! And that is some thing I'd like to call crazy!(Especially at a time like that!) They all had pretty bad stings like Logan for instance;PRETTY BAD. Dad seemed fine. He was making humor out of it!(like he always does!)And the other's were just crying because it stung.(it didn't look to bad at all)
Now, about the praying mantis. It is a nice bug according to Levi(one of the evil twins). And of course he's the one who named bee's-mean flies. Why is the praying mantis a nice bug you may ask? Because it does not bite or sting! My dad discovered one at a church in Greeley Hill's. He let Levi and Logan hold it and of course i did not even touch the thing or get near it. Some of you may have known me as someone who catches bug's with my bare hand's. But that Mackenzie is long gone! I got's to go!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Back to school!
I just thought that this picture is cute!
Me and my sibling's just started school yesterday.........which was Wednesday. We are on a complete schedule for each and everyday during school day's! I'm glad we started school now because i don't feel like I'm lazy! But I'm not completely happy about the schedule! I wake up at 6:45 a.m and to 8:30 i have to do my routine plus my chore and getting my brothers something to eat. At 8:30 we have devotion's, prayer, and we practice song's. And 9:00- 12:00 a.m we do school. 12:00-1:00 is lunch. P.E. is 1:oo-1:30 and my computer time and Nolan and Justina's instrument practice is 1:30-2:30. And to 3:00 it is reading time and quite time. And no movies til' after dinner,chores,and bath's! So we basically have the whole in tire day planned! It's just like actual school!
Oh........i have to tell you what my optimistic mother said! I was looking through my b-day card's asking if i should keep the ones from her and dad, so i can enjoy looking at them in the future. And she said: No, they will only get you depressed! And i asked: Why on earth would i be depressed? And she said: Because when you read it in the future you'll be wishing and saying ''I wish my mother was still alive.'' Can you believe she said that! But of course some of you can believe that. It didn't upset me, i actually thought it was funny. I love to tell it to people. I was not majorly surprised because she's like my optimistic grandpa. But there not really depressed they just like to irritate us in that way.(lol)
Justina plays the piano a little! She is still learning and Nolan is learning how to play the trumpet. I'm not doing any instrument right now. Ummmmm i think that is it for now.
Monday, September 3, 2007
On the road again
Hey everyone, me and my family are on the road again! It was pretty hard saying good-bye, but you got to hand it to me i did not cry! But of course i was excited about seeing all my other friend's and family. We are now in Washington, but our trip up here was slow because we went to Disneyland. And then we went to see the Yosemite which was sooooooo beautiful! But it's one of those park's where you got to have at least a whole day to see everything. Me,Mom,and Dad enjoyed seeing the Yosemite,but we were only there two hour's because it was Wed.. So we didn't get to see a lot of it. The evil twins of course was interested in nothing except for jumping and running around the theatre room that the Yosemite park had. And it was of course dark and full of people trying to watch the film about the Yosemite,but they can't watch a film with the evil twins running around the front platform laughing. I have learned not to get embarrassed as much because i know they will not stop! We just went to godfathers today with the Sunquist's. They have seven kid's going on eight so when we get together it's a crowded restaurant! I love to see people's faces and comment's when were together. Me and my sister Justina are good friend's with the two oldest. We love talking with them because we can relate with and understand each other. One of the thing's this year I'm hoping and praying to go to is the Yakima missions conference they have great preaching and i want to see all my ministry friend's that i can only basically see at mission conferences or preacher's meeting's. So far my parent's say we are going! So i am very excited! Me and my sibling's are starting school the day after tomorrow. And i think I'm the only one who's KIND-OF excited about school this year! Me and my sister are so funny we will say we love school one day and then the very next day we will say we hate school! But i think most kid's are like that.(i think) We are doing the ACE program this year so i hope it's a little easier. But i don't know? That's all for now!
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