I just wanted to say CONGRATULATION'S!!!! To all my friends who are graduates this year!!! And that I wished I could have been there to see all of them graduate!!! But I did have the privilege to see Eddie, Richard,and Hannah graduate. Both their services turned out great!!! The preaching and the fellowship! I can't believe half of my friend's are graduated!!! Time sure does go fast! And I can't believe that I'm a Senior!!! It's Great!!! Life is GREAT!!! And all the credit goes to GOD! He's has been sooooo wonderful in my life!I thank God so much for the wonderful godly parents I have! He truly has been good to me and my family! So much has went on since last time I was on here! Well we moved into a house that is owned by friends of ours from our church. The house is located in Yelm,WA Lawrence lake. They have a very nice park that you can go to and a nice looking lake.We actually went swimming yesterday:-)We have also had Car Wash fundraisers going on for camp. And we also had a barbecue at my youth director's house Sunday afternoon. We went swimming in there lake also. It was a whole lot of fun!!! We had to get to the church early so us teens just talked up a storm! We were laughing and talking and laughing and talking and listening to Douglas who was telling us his update on who his crushes were:-) it was a lot of fun talking and getting to know our fellow teenager's better. On Thursday's we clean the church in the afternoon and in the morning's my mom is out on visitation with the ladies. So we are at the church all day! It's a lot of fun. We usually take the foster kid's down to the gym and play games with Arianna,Nolan,Justina,and Caleb Matheny. And last Thursday was very different from all the other Thursday's My friend Rachel White chose to come and we had a good time. We talked a lot and played Smash face. And I also watched my brother's wrestle Caleb and Caleb came out alive, but he had a few bite mark's and Scratches:-) But I warned him before they started wrestling not to WRESTLE WITH MY BROTHERS!!! Because they don't go by the RULES:-) I have to admit it was funny to watch! Well that's it for now!!! TTFN:-)
Caleb and Nolan playing the piano:-)