Greeting's from Florida! We have been in Florida now for more than three week's and I'm having a blast! We got to go to a church on a Sunday night and we got to meet an impersonator of John Wayne! He has a very cool and unique ministry! It was a real pleasure meeting him! I got to see and swim in the Atlantic ocean for my first time! And to top it off i got to see the space shuttle take off from the beach! It was a really cool experience! We are staying at a KOA RV park in Orlando that has a we are doing a lot of swimming! The day we got here we found out that they hold church services here in the park! The pastor is Jeff Burris he and his family r a huge blessing! The RV park is Refuge Baptist's temporary home! Two Friday's ago we started our 10 day pass to Disney World! It has been so much fun but it is miserably hot!!! We have a Pet now! We (I) found a Snake by an outside bathroom! My dad caught it and brought it to church the next day. We did not touch it til we knew what it was! Come to find out Pastor Burris is an expert with snakes! We also found out it was a corn snake.It Is one of the perfect snakes for a pet! And has Beautiful color's! We named it Freddy! We all put our money together and bought all it's special Needs! Some of my friend's out there are probably thinking I'm gross or crazy but i love snakes! I actually asked for a snake for Christmas when i was ten and now my wish came true:-)
Here's Nolan holding Freddy!